Tikun Olam

In Lorain County, food is a critical need – one out of every eight people lacks consistent access to adequate food. The need is real, and it is acute. 

The prophet Isaiah teaches in our Yom Kippur haftarah portion, “This is the fast I desire: …It is to share your bread with the hungry” (Isaiah 58:6-7).

In this spirit, please consider a donation of cash or food to Oberlin Community Services (OCS) as part of our community’s celebration of the High Holy Days. OCS makes food available to all areas of Lorain County. Last year, nearly 5,000 people (1,800 families) received food from OCS.

Here’s how to donate: 

  • You can mail a check made out to Oberlin Community Services to TBA, and mark on the envelope “Tikun Olam Food Donation.”
  • Click here to donate to TBA via PayPal (just remember to leave a note that it’s for the Tikun Olam Food Drive).
  • E-mail info@tbaelyria.org to arrange drop-off or pick-up of food or toiletries.

Items that are badly needed include: canned beans, canned meats, canned soups, boxed cereal, and starches (pasta, rice, lentils, mac and cheese, nuts, etc.)

AND…there will be a TBA volunteer activity with OCS on November 7th, from 4pm to 5:30pm! Participants will be able to join in and help prepare boxes of food for those in need who cannot come to a food pantry. We’ll be providing a critical service to the community, and we’ll have the opportunity to do it together! People of all ages are welcome to join in! Those interested in participating should contact us at info@tbaelyria.org for more information or to let us know you’d like to sign up.

Thank you all again for your help in this year’s Tikun Olam drive for the High Holy Days.

TBA Tikun Olam Committee