Tikun Olam

Dear TBA Family and Friends,

Victims of domestic violence are at greater risk than ever. The number of domestic violence cases continues to increase, as does the severity of the cases involved – both nationally and here in Lorain County.

With this in mind, TBA is launching its annual Tikun Olam (Repairing the World) drive to support Genesis House, and the work they do for domestic violence victims in Lorain County.

Please help TBA make a difference for domestic violence victims in Lorain County by:

  • Donating on the TBA Website and including a note letting us know the donation is for Genesis House
  • Contacting us at info@tbaelyria.org to learn how to donate a check or urgently needed items or gift cards of $25 or more to Giant Eagle or Meijer

Genesis House provides shelter to anyone over the age of 18 of any gender identity who is fleeing an abusive intimate relationship, including parents with minor children. In addition to the shelter, Genesis House provides aftercare, a 24-hour hotline, support groups, and special advocacy programs for children and those with disabilities who are dealing with domestic violence. They even partner with Friendship APL to care for companion animals of those in the Genesis House shelter, and offer a batterer’s intervention program. They are working on new partnerships with the police to provide services and intervention as soon as possible for victims and their families.

Last year, TBA raised more than $2,500 in funding and items to help victims of domestic violence, and we hope to once again have a significant impact in helping these families in their time of need.

We want to deliver the checks, gift cards and items to Genesis House by the end of the month so please help as soon as you can. TBA has been making a difference through Tikun Olam for decades, and our help is needed now more than ever.

Thank you!!!

TBA Tikun Olam Committee