Lifecycle Events

We welcome new lives through birth. We celebrate marriage. We confront illness and loss. We do these things together, and knowing that we are not alone instills that sense of family we cherish.

Allow us to become your spiritual family, celebrating together moments of joy and comforting each other in times of struggle.

Brit Milah

Mazel Tov!  Welcoming a new member of the family is a profound experience. Our congregation is honored to welcome your child into our community. At TBA, we honor the Reform movement’s position on Jewish identity: all children with at least one Jewish parent, and who are raised and educated only as Jews, are considered to be fully Jewish. Our spiritual leader is readily available to meet before or after your child is born in order to discuss the details of the appropriate ritual, which will welcome your child, honor your family and connect us all in the chain of Jewish tradition. 

B’nai Mitzvah

At 13, Jewish children come of age as Jews and become Bar Mitzvah (“son of the commandment”) or Bat Mitzvah (“daughter of the commandment”). B’nai Mitzvah is simultaneously a life-cycle event, educational milestone, and a communal celebration. Adult B’nai Mitzvah classes are also offered.


Confirmation is a unique life-cycle event, for it is tied to educational achievement. Confirmation occurs at the end of tenth grade. That year is spent studying with our clergy. Topics range from God, Ethics, Contemporary Issues to the history of our American Jewish experience. The year culminates with a joyous Confirmation service.


Taking on a new religious identity is one of the most profound steps in a person’s life. Our spiritual leader invites those interested in Judaism to speak directly with them. Choosing Judaism is a highly personal journey and not bound by a time frame. When a person is ready to formalize that relationship, our spiritual leader will plan a ceremony to help you celebrate this milestone.


Entering into marriage can be both exciting and overwhelming. To ease the process, and provide some answers, our spiritual leader would love to meet and talk about your future as a couple. Our spiritual leader can help teach the bride and groom the meaning of the ceremony, from Ketubah (marriage document), to Kiddushin (Engagement), to Chuppah (Marriage Canopy), to Nissuin (marriage ceremony), to breaking the glass. Our spiritual leader also counsels, offering Jewish wisdom in preparation for a life dedicated to love and companionship. They will work with the bride and groom in designing the ceremony, providing her knowledge and experience. We look forward to celebrating with you and we welcome all couples who seek connection with our Jewish community here on the Westside of Cleveland.



The Mi Shebeirach prayer is one of the central Jewish prayers for those who are facing the challenge of illness. The prayer includes pleas for both physical and spiritual healing for those within our community who are dealing with illness. Traditionally, the Mi Shebeirach is said in synagogue when the Torah is read and is often said by professional healthcare givers, patients, and loved ones at various times during treatment and recovery from illness of all sorts.

We invite you to send us the name(s) of loved ones who are facing the challenge of illness, that we may support them, and you, by inclusion in our communal Mi Shebeirach prayers.

Grief & Mourning

In Jewish tradition, there are several occasions each year when our loved ones who have passed on are memorialized. You are invited and encouraged to let us know the name and yahrzeit of your beloved ones who have departed from us. We will honor their memory by announcing their name during services.